Last Updated on 2024-02-16

Breaking It Down: How Long It Takes Amazon Warehouse To Hire

We worked with these active, experienced gig-workers to write this article and bring you first-hand knowledge.

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Jesse Gauthier

T1 Associate with two years of experience working in the Packer, Problem Solver, and Scanner roles

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Justin “JJ” James

T1 Asssociate in a Delivery Station with 2+ years of experience working in the Stower, Picker, and Stager roles

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Shane Lynch

T1 Asssociate with experience working both a Delivery Station and Sortation Center working in the XL Associate, Receive Dock, Waterspider, Picker, Problem Solver, and Packer roles.

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Alex Rodriguez

T1 Asssociate with experience across Decant, Waterspider, Stower, Packer, and Receive Dock roles

Amazon Warehouse is known for their straightforward job requirements and hiring process . The main steps involve:

  • Submitting your application
  • Attending your pre-hire appointment
  • Completing your onboarding
  • Attending your first day of work, referred to at Amazon as your Day 1

If you’re sure you will be able to satisfy the job requirements, let’s talk about how quickly you can get through the whole hiring process and receive your pay. While everyone’s application will be unique to their individual circumstances, these are some estimates you can use to orient yourself. 

In a best-case scenario, you can expect to go from application submission to beginning your first day of work on your Day 1 in as soon as 1 week. In a more typical case, expect for it to take about 2-3 weeks overall. In an absolute worst-case scenario, it is possible that you can be left waiting for up to 1 month or more, or even not be hired at all. 

Here is a breakdown of the time estimates for each step in the hiring process. 

Job Application: Less than 1 Day 

Submitting your job application will be the least time-consuming step in your entire hiring process. Ideally, this step can take as little as 20 minutes from start to finish.

You will simply be filling out personal information about yourself, including your name, date of birth, address, etc., and selecting your desired shift.

After you complete this step and submit your application, your next step will be waiting to attend your Pre-Hire appointment. 

Read more in our post about the Amazon Warehouse job application.

Job Application Submission to Pre-Hire Appointment: A Few Days 

You can expect to wait a few days while Amazon reviews your personal details and reserves a spot for you on the Pre-Hire date of choice they will give you.

Wait for Amazon to send you an email confirming which date your Pre-Hire appointment date will be, the address, and which documents you need to bring with you to ensure everything goes smoothly. These will be standard documents, such as personal ID and proof of employment eligibility.

Make sure to double-check you have all the necessary documents before leaving to ensure a smooth process and avoid any delays in your hiring process.  

Pre-Hire Appointment: Less than 1 Day 

Your Pre-Hire appointment is where you will show up in person to provide your documents to the hiring recruiters, as well as have your badge picture taken and complete your drug test . All of this is usually done at the same Amazon building where you will be working, whether it be at a Fulfillment Center , Delivery Station , or Sortation Center . However, in some instances you may be required to attend your hiring appointment at a different building than the one you are applying for.

Expect this step to take from a couple to several hours, depending on how many new hires are being recruited that same day as you are. Justin James , an L1 associate at a Delivery Station, comments, “I was fortunate that my pre-hire appointment was very quick (less than an hour).” Even so, he clarifies, “That being said, it is still a good idea to ensure you have enough time to complete the process in case other sites are not as expedient as mine was.” Therefore, a good rule of thumb is to set aside at least half the day for finishing your Pre-Hire appointment.  

Pre-Hire Appointment Completion to Confirmation of Hire: A Couple of Days

This is the lengthiest part of the process, and the one with the most variability. The reason for this is that each case can be different, because not everyone will be yielding the same results with their background check and drug test . In addition, there is the factor of hiring urgency for your building of choice -you can expect to be hired much quicker when need is highest (during the holidays, for example).

Regardless of your background check and drug test outcome, simply completing your Pre-Hire appointment will yield you an email with a Contingent Job offer. This is essentially an offer guaranteeing you employment at Amazon, provided your background check and drug test are clear.

However, keep in mind that due to the contingency of the offer, it is possible that the offer will be revoked if there are problems with either your background check or drug test. 

If this is the case, there can be delays of up to a couple of weeks or more while you work to either re-take your drug test, or contest any issues with your background check. There is also the possibility that your offer can be revoked altogether if no solution can be found for your case, such as repeatedly failing your drug test or having an excessive number of felonies on your background check. In any case, you will want to keep an eye on your email, as you will receive confirmation of when/if you pass both. 

Onboarding to Day 1: A Few Days

Assuming you pass both the drug test and background check, the last step before arriving for your Day 1 is completing your Onboarding assignments. This is where you will be notified that you passed both checks and are now being given access to complete your Online Orientation. 

Here, you will create your A-to-Z employee account, sign your formal acceptance of job offer, and order your safety shoes with the free $110 Amazon Zappos credit. This credit can be used toward other footwear as well, including soles and socks. Jesse Gauthier , an L1 associate at a Fulfillment Center with over one year of experience, provides a tip: “When ordering safety shoes, I also recommend purchasing compression socks, as working at Amazon will consist of being on your feet nearly all day.” The Onboarding steps can be completed electronically online, and you can expect this to take from a couple to a few hours. 

Once you have completed all your Onboarding assignments, all that is left is for you to do is wait to begin your Day 1. This is straightforward in that you will receive an email that will include your Start Date, AKA your Day 1. This day will usually be a few days from the submission of your Onboarding assignments. Justin suggests double-checking the date of your Day 1, as it could be possible for them to switch it up at the last minute as was his case.

Day 1 to First Paycheck: One Day, or One Week (for pay)

If you made it this far, congratulations! You are officially an Amazon employee. Your Day 1 is paid, and will consist of a breakdown of the company policies, as well as training for your particular role, whether it be in stow, pack, etc. Jesse recommends bringing a lunch and water bottle to stay hydrated even during your training.  

In regards to your paycheck, you have two options. You can either opt to sign up for Anytime Pay and receive up to 70% of the day’s pay that same day on a Wisely card (the rest will be paid out weekly via paycheck), or you can choose to receive a complete weekly paycheck, which you can expect to be deposited into your bank account a week after your Day 1. The default option is a weekly paycheck, deposited on Fridays, unless you opt in to Anytime Pay. 

If you decide to choose Anytime Pay, make sure to take a trip to HR on your Day 1 so that they can give you your Wisely pay card right there and then, instead of having to wait for a card in the mail. You can then activate the card that same day and gain access to part of the day’s funds immediately.  

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